Specialist Page Overview
Screen Header
The top section of the Jobvious page shows you the business you are associated with and the name assigned to the user that you logged in with.
Left column navigation shows you the high level areas of the Jobvious platform and the button for you to sign out of the system. Selecting a list item here will display the appropriate window in the main part of the screen.
Functions & Counts
“Requestimates” shows you the number of requests & estimates for work that you have outstanding and need a response.
“Jobs” shows you the jobs that are booked and have not yet started or are in process.
“PickUp/Deliver” shows you the completed jobs that have to be collected by the dealer or customer.
“Calendar” shows you a summary of the jobs and requests you have booked, or potentially coming through dealer requests and estimates.
“Finances” shows you the jobs you have completed and gives you a breakdown on amounts, fees and how and when you will receive payment from the Jobvious system, or request immediate transfer of funds.
Request/Job Detail
Selecting an item from the request, jobs or pickups lists shows you the detail for that request or job.
It displays the vehicle information, the work summary and the date window and information about who the job is for (dealer or customer) in the upper panel.
Clicking the “Detail” button will display the full details of the job whatever page you are currently viewing.
The bottom panel will change depending on the status of the request or job.
This is the working panel and where you will update the request or job depending on its status.