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Booking a previously created Estimate


booking an estimate

Click on “Requestimates” in the left main navigation panel, and you’ll be shown a list of the requests that you’ve been sent by dealers or you have created yourself. You can view the detail of each request by selecting it from the list. 

The list is displayed in order of Due Date.

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The upper panel gives you the summary of the job including the total for the job and the proposed start date and end date.

The lower panel will show the services that were estimated.

If the customer wants to book the work, click “Book” and it will add the job to your calendar. If the start needs to be changed, you can do that here as well. Pick the new start date in the date field.

The job will move from the Requestimates list to the Jobs list.

If the customer decides not to go ahead with the work, click “Cancel” and the job will be removed from your list. We will keep track of the fact that an estimate was created and for whom. This will be useful when looking at your business performance over time to see how well you are closing deals.

We will send a message to the customer to remind them about the appointment.