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Dealer Page Overview

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Screen Header

The top section of the Jobvious page shows you the business you are associated with and the name assigned to the user that you logged in with.


Left column navigation shows you the high level areas of the Jobvious platform and the button for you to sign out of the system.

List of Requests/Jobs

“Requestimates” shows you the list of requests for work that you have outstanding and is the area for you to create a new request for work.

“Jobs” shows you the jobs that are outstanding.

“PickUps/Reviews” shows you the jobs that have finished, need collection from the specialist and also require a review score on the quality of the work.

Request/Job Detail

Selecting an item from the request or jobs list shows you the detail for that request or job.

It displays the vehicle information, the work summary, cost and due date in the upper panel as well as the selected specialist if the job has been assigned.

The bottom panel will change depending on the status of the request or job.